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SAKATA Masako's first film

Agent Orange -a personal requiem- A film by Sakata Masako in memory of Greg Davis


“Agent Orange-a personal requiem”was presented at the Koret Auditorium at The San Francisco Public Library, in association with Veterans for Peace on July 10 ,2008. more information

Watch Video (30min)

Biography (Masako)


Masako Sakata

1948 Born in Nagano, Japan
1965-66 Studied at Camden Rockport High School, Maine as an American Field Service exchange student.
1967Graduated from Nagano Nishi High School
1972 Graduated from Kyoto University with bachelor's degree in literature
1973-1974 Worked as announcer at All Kansai Cable Television, reporting news and weather.
1976 Employed at photo agency Imperial Press in Tokyo
1995 Became president of Imperial Press
1998 Founded photo agency IPJ as president.
2003 lost husband of 33 years, Greg Davis
Oct. 2003. Took a course at Workshops in Rockport, Maine in film making
July 2004 Went to Vietnam to start filming victims of Agent Orange
Dec. 2004 Returned to Vietnam to do more filming.
2007 Completed film "Agent Orange -a peasonal requiem-"
Aug. 2006 Became director of photo agency Amanaimages Inc.
Aug. 2007 Invited to Graduate School of Journalism at University of California, Berkeley , as visiting scholar for one year, to study new media, film and international reporting.

Feature Documentary
Camera and editing by Sakata Masako
Contributing producer:
Bill Megalos, Yamagami Tetsujiro
Namba Tadashi
Additional editing by
John Junkerman
Additional cinematography:
Philip Jones Griffiths